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What Changes A Year Can Hold

Published April 10, 2014.
Est. Reading: 1 minute

Often you don't notice change happening. It just slips by in the everyday workings of life. This is particularly true of the mill, where the machines, the people, all the wool creates this frenetic atmosphere that makes time fly. Once in awhile, though, something causes you to pause and you realize that so much has changed, you actually forgot that it used to be different.

Today I saw a pair of Canada Geese flying overhead - one of the earliest signs that spring really is going to happen - and I was struck by how quickly the last year has gone by. With a new year of growth and change fast on its way, now seems like an appropriate time to stop and take note of all the great things, big and small, that happened here at the mill.


We got a new electrical system so that we can run all of our machines at the same time. Wahoo!


We learned how to make sculpted wool-felt hats and dresses!

Screen Shot 2014-03-28 at 2.31.14 PM

We started a Facebook page!


We survived another winter (hopefully we haven't jinxed anything here)!


We joined the modern word, launching this beautiful website, getting debit capabilities, and starting this blog!

As you can see, lots of new things; some big, some small, all significant. It is pretty exciting to look back and appreciate the changes a year can hold. It makes the potential in future years feel that much more tangible. So, here is to a year well spent and here is to all the new things still to come!

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