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Turning a 200lb Fail into a Win

Published May 5, 2014.
Est. Reading: 1 minute
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Sometimes wool dyeing can be a bit of a tricky thing. Each time you start with a new batch of dye powder, you need to test it out and make sure it makes the same colour that you had before....and sometimes it doesn't. And sometimes you think that it was just a random mistake, so you try it again....and this kind of reasoning is how, every once in awhile, you end up with 200lbs of an epic colour fail.

Blue Monday

For example, you end up with 200lbs of a strange pink/blue colour that was supposed to be slate blue, or you end up with this nasty orange/black colour that was supposed to be navy blue (which it certainly is not).


Luckily, we work with some pretty clever folks here at the mill and an epic fail doesn't stay a fail for long! Shortly after the unfortunate nasty orange/black incident, Bonnie said "Why don't we just mix the two oopses and make socks - I bet the colour would be ok" and the most awesome slate purple socks were born. Seriously. Here at the mill, they are everyone's favourite socks.


So, available in limited quantity only, never to be replicated, the absolutely awesome Slate Purple Socks and Slate Purple Ankle Socks. Get them while they're hot.

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