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DIY Drawer Sachets for Clothing Moth Prevention

Published June 24, 2014.
Est. Reading: 2 minutes

While we advocate wearing wool all year round, some of you probably put your heavy woolens away for the summer and that has us thinking Natural Clothing Moth Prevention. There is nothing more disappointing than pulling out your favourite mitts in the fall and discovering that they have been something else's favourite for the past several months. While chemical moth balls and sprays are a commonly used defence against clothing moths, we don't like the smell or the idea of potentially toxic chemicals in with our clothing. Luckily, there are several chemical free methods to help prevent clothing moths from making a home in your wool sock drawer (for the full list and more info on clothing moths, check out our webpage).

Storing your woolens with a drawer sachet containing dried leaves and flowers from plants that deter the moths is both an easy and inexpensive way to protect your woolens. Most people have the necessary plants/leaves/flowers on hand in the kitchen or garden and almost any scrap of fabric can be used to make the sachet.

To make the cloth sachet:

Choose a scrap of fabric that is loosely woven enough that the scents from the mixture can diffuse throughout your woolens, but not so loosely woven that the dried leaves or flowers will escape from your sachet and leave little bits in your drawer. A piece from an old T-shirt, silk scarf, tea-towel, or pillow case usually works great. If you don't have access to a sewing machine, use a leg from an old stocking or empty tea bags (usually available where fine teas are sold).

Cut a rectangle that is approximately 10 inches x 6 inches. Make a 1/2 inch fold along the long edge and sew it down so that you have somewhere to put a draw-string.

CutPiece FoldSewingFold

Fold your fabric right-side-in so that you have an approximately 5 inch by 5 inch piece. Sew along the bottom and side to turn your square of fabric into a sachet (note: when sewing the side, stop before you sew over the draw string fold - you don't want to sew it shut!). Turn your sachet right-side-out.

SewingBag SewedBag TurnBag

Feed a draw-string through the fold using a paper clip or safety pin and you are done!

ThreadString ThreadString2 ThreadString3 FinishedBag

Herb Recipe for Moth Prevention:

This recipe by Carole Neville is one of our favourites because it uses dried herbs that are readily available in the kitchen. We always joke that, in a pinch, this mix could be used to spice a lamb roast...


1/2 cup rosemary

1/2 cup mint

1/2 cup thyme

3 TBSP whole cloves

Fill your cloth sachet with this mix and toss it in with your woolens!





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