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2019 Holiday Season at The Mill

Published November 28, 2019.
Est. Reading: 2 minutes

Well, here we are again at that special time of year when things are a strange mix of merry and bright and chaotic and fast - the all capital letters HOLIDAY SEASON!

We are holding our annual Holiday Open House on Saturday, December 14th, from 12pm to 4pm - we love visiting with everyone who makes the trip out and we love eating far too many Christmas cookies. Join us for wool crafts, shopping, cookies and hot apple cider, and to tour through the mill where we'll be running our spinning mule and sock machines for your viewing pleasure!

The open house falls in with Alberta Open Farm Days Winter. Alberta Open Farms Days is a collaborative event where farmers and ranchers open their doors to their urban and rural neighbours for a day of farm tours and activities. The Winter Edition is a pilot project running in the Wildrose area so, if you are looking for a day of farm-filled winter activities, you can see who else has activities happening via the Alberta Open Farm Days website and take a little winter tour!


Other than the Open House, this year we're taking a slower approach to the holiday season - we will not be travelling to any markets. However, our little shop out here at the mill is stocked right up with beautiful hand woven wool blankets, warm wool socks, hand-knit slippers and hats, Seine River Felted Vests, and yarn, yarn, yarn to your hearts content!  Did you know that almost every item in our shop is either made here at the mill or hand-finished by a local artisan with wool produced here at the mill? And that all of our wool comes from farms here in Canada? If you're looking to use your holiday spending power to support you local economy, then look no further! Come visit us in person or check out our online store to pick up those special items to keep you and your loved ones warm for winters to come.

We also want to make you aware that the mill will shut down between Christmas and New Years for our yearly holiday. We will close down at 4pm on December 24th, 2019 and won't open back up again until 8am on January 2nd, 2020!!!!!

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