Custom Woolen Mills Logo

2017 Holiday Season at the Mill

Published November 22, 2017.
Est. Reading: 1 minute

With the landscape covered in snow it's not so hard to fathom that the winter holidays are close at hand. This is just a quick note to let you know about a few upcoming dates in the Mill's holiday calendar.

First up, we'll have a small booth at Market Collective in Calgary, December 1st through 3rd. This year Market Collective is in a new location - Inglewood Warehouse (1390 - 17th Ave SE). We'll be down there with our hand-crank knitting machine and an assortment of Prairie Wool Socks, CWM Sock Yarn, Field & Forage Yarn, and CWM Natural Dye Club 2018 kits. So, if you are in Calgary, come on by and say hello!

Second, we are having a Holiday Open House out here at the mill! On Saturday, December 9th, from 12pm to 4pm, join us for hot apple cider and cookies, wool felting crafts, and mill tours. Of course we'll also have the store open for folks who want to do a bit of shopping. If you are coming please RSVP to the open house so that we know how many cookies to make!!

Finally, just a heads-up that the mill and store will be totally shut down from December 23rd to January 1st. We will be open again for business on Tuesday, January 2nd, 2018!

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