"Longwool" wools are known for their incredible strength and luster. Longwool Mule Spinner 2-Ply 100% Wool Yarn is a yarn made from 60% Mixed-Breed Longwools and 40% Rambouillet wool. This specialty yarn is ideal of hard-wearing applications such as hand-knit slippers or woven rugs - the Longwools provide strength while the Rambouillet provides loft. It is also excellent for hand-dying where the natural luster of the Longwools bring the colours alive. It is available in natural white, natural light grey heather, natural medium grey heather, and natural dark grey heather.
Price is per 4oz/225m skein.
For knitting, we recommend 4mm to 5mm needles.
100% Canadian Wool processed at Custom Woolen Mills, Alberta, Canada.